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General Dental Council consulting on hearing format

20 December 2023

The GDC is in the process of considering proposals that would establish remote hearings as the default for all practice committee and registration appeal committee sessions. It’s noted however, there remains provisions for fair consideration of requests for in-person hearings, ensuring a balanced decision making-approach.

Post pandemic, 90% of hearings take place remotely and since 2022 the GDC has received 42 applications for a hearing to be held either in-person or hybrid, with only five of these applications not accepted. In instances where consensus on hearing format can’t be reached, prompt directions are handed down from a panel chair or panel members are a preliminary meeting.

Whilst there are clear benefits for holding hearings remotely, such as reduced travel and accommodation costs, a decrease in lost hearing days due to travel disruptions and increased participation for those registrants who have commitments at home which limit participation, but these positives need to be weighed against the many challenges that remote hearings encounter.

Remote hearings often suffer from connectivity issues, with wifi and broadband capabilities differing between each household. Increased distractions are at play also, particularly for those giving witness evidence when telephone calls, family members or even delivery drivers are becoming unwanted interruptions. In our experience, listings for remote hearings often don’t factor in time for these issues, resulting in undue pressure to sit for longer when committees find themselves falling behind.

Perhaps the biggest consideration however, is how well evidence can be assessed remotely. Many will already be aware, that communication is made up of verbal and non-verbal cues such as, body language, fidgeting and hand gestures, many of which can be lost when conducting remote hearings.

Regulatory Defence has experience in managing both in-person and remote hearings and is willing to discuss the pros and cons of both with clients when assessing what format is likely to give the best chance at a positive result. General Dental Council